Our Mission
Dakota Sonshine was founded to provide a network of support that addresses the spiritual, emotional, educational, and pragmatic needs of individuals and families on the Lake Traverse Reservation in South Dakota.
Our Vision
Dakota Sonshine’s vision is to reach individuals and families in or near the Lake Traverse Reservation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through relationship evangelism and to disciple believers so that they may mature in their walk with Christ and operate within their God-given talents and gifts.
We believe there is a need for sound Biblical teaching, counseling, and instruction in our communities. Hurting people, affected by trauma and grief, need a loving Savior who can set captives free and heal the broken hearted. We feel called to introduce our neighbors to that Savior and to create a safe place to gather for fellowship, personal growth, and cultural expression within a Christian context.
Don and Teena Lykins
Don and Teena co-founded Dakota Sonshine ministries in 2001. God has allowed them to make impact in the Lake Traverse area for over 20 years with a team of passionate individuals.
Core Values
We practice these core values as an organization and as individuals.
Our primary purpose is to proclaim and live the gospel daily.
We conform to God’s Word in our proclamation, instruction, and personal instruction.
We live under the authority of the scriptures and a body of overseers.
We are committed to loving others as Christ loves us, with respect and dignity.
We strive to be truthful and open in our financial information, policies and procedures and our mission and goals.
We respect our neighbor’s culture without compromising Biblical truth.
We invite others to the table to enjoy Christian fellowship and connection. We actively serve others, considering others as greater than ourselves. We welcome everyone; including the marginalized, the broken, the outsider and the traveler to partake in the body of Christ as fellow heirs and children of God.